Being charged with a sex offense is extremely serious, and can significantly impact your future. Your need for an attorney, who understands how to defend you properly, is extremely important.
Sex offenses fall under the umbrella of offenses against the person. The punishment range for sex offenses can run anywhere from a misdemeanor to a first degree felony. That means punishment up to life in prison.
Public Lewdness and Indecent Exposure are two examples of misdemeanor sex offenses. The felonies run from Improper Relationship between Student and Teacher to Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child. There is also the offense of Improper Photography or Visual Recording.
Due to the serious nature and consequences of these cases, and the stigma attached to a conviction, the best course of action is to contact us, and set up an appointment so we can go over the nuances of your case. We cannot discuss what you tell us with anyone. The information is privileged, even if you do not hire us. Everything is in the strictest confidence.