Terrence Stutz of the Dallas Morning News is reporting in a news strory at www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/latestnews/stories/110610dntexbaddrivers.3e269d9.html that in January a person who is behind on their surcharge payments owed to the Texas Department of Public Safety can pay 10% of the total surcharged owed (up to $250) and his license will be reinstated and the rest of the surcharge will be forgiven.
Lower income drivers (who at 125% of the federal poverty level) will be able to the the same deal as above.
Also, driver’s who have made their payments on time could be eligible for an “incentive program” to reduce their surcharge.
If this is true, if will be a great opportunity for individuals to get their license current and valid.